
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sending Out Good

Been thinking today about how naturally we all shift blame--
  • "He makes me feel..." "If she hadn't _______ , I wouldn't have ______."
  • "He's a jerk, so I can treat him badly."
I rationalize like this a lot, but my scripture reading today was a kick in the pants.
  • Helaman 14 today, verse 30: Sin is hurtful to others; but somehow in the long-range of things, sin is worst "unto ourself", acted by ourselves, against "a knowledge" we've been given by the God who made us "free". (vs 31) Good will be restored to me... how? Each time I serve someone, it always seems like I end up more of a recipient than before, but I think it means more than that. Finding cross references---
  • Restoration is linked to Resurrection (restored body) and Endless Happiness (restored to God's happiness) and the Inheritance of God's Kingdom, Glory (presence of God), Crowned with a fullness of joy, honour, and Standing at the Right Hand of the Lamb. I can't be restored to something I never was. We've all had bodies, so we have one in the bag; but do I experience God-like happiness and joy, and am I clean enough to be comfortable in the presence of God or at the right hand of the lamb? Hmm...
  • Picturing a great basket always above me catching everything I "send out" ---- misery, joy, laughter, ingratitude, criticism, sadness, hate, love. The basket retains everything I send out unless I pry it open with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, letting Christ remove the offense, and at the end of my life God (or Satan) dresses the things in my basket making them more then they were and wraps it all in beauty and glory (or misery and guilt) saving it to be my gift of immortality and eternal life to be "restored to me" when I stand in front of the One who made it all possible. With whatever experiences of goodness I've had, I'm imagining His presence and I think I would feel safe, protected, worth it, and capable. Time to send out good.


Kimi said...

I like your image of the basket. Also, I do feel like I push blame on others to often. 'My kids have been naughty, or I haven't been sleeping,... so it wasn't my fault I lost my temper.' I would like to try this week to not shift any blame. Be accountable for the things in my basket, and own them, or give them to my savior--- but no pretending someone else stuck their junk in my basket.

Loo said...

I like that phrase and I laughed out loud. I think it would be a good family phrase: don't pretend like I stuck junk in your basket. But oh yes, it is me that is pretending about the basket. Ha Ha. I'll work on that too.