
Saturday, May 15, 2010


I've been thinking a lot about Kimi's post and how to apply it and here's what I've decided. I'm reviewing my favorite stories and memorizing what Jesus said or did in response to specific emotions (since I have girls) so that when I recognize that emotion at home I can tell the story.
  • Fear- Jesus is in the mountain praying when a storm hits the disciples who are in a ship. Jesus walks on the water to them but they think He's a ghost and they're afraid, “Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid".
  • Doubt- The Savior on the Water, Peter walks and sinks, "O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?"
  • Loneliness-After Jesus tried to teach something to his best friends the apostles they were offended and wouldn't even walk with him, "Will ye also go away?"
  • Embarrassment- Jesus knew what it felt like because he was spit on and they took his clothes and crucified him in front of people who hated him; but he told the story of the good samaritan to remind us that a man was stripped and beaten up and people looked at him and walked by without helping, but Jesus said the good samaritan "saw him, he had compassion on him".
  • Gratitude/happiness-While teaching the 70 Jesus saw that they were starting to understand what he said, he recognized a good thing and right away He " arejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth,"
  • Compassion/ Sadness- When Jesus' friend Lazarus died, even though Jesus knew He was going to heal Lazarus, when Jesus saw Mary crying he understood how sad she was, so much that he cried too.
  • Acceptance- When Jesus didn't want to face what he was facing "Father, if thou be willing, aremove this cup from me: nevertheless not my bwill, but thine, be done."
  • Unselfishness- A really rich man comes to Jesus and asks what more he should do to get to heaven, he already keeps all the commandments, jesus asks him to give all he has to the poor and to "come, take up the cross, and bfollow me."
  • Forgiveness- When Jesus was being killed people made fun of him and all the things he had said, but Jesus said, " bforgive them; for they know not what cthey do."
I'm going to try to memorize these so that I will have them in the moment later. Off to work.

1 comment:

Kimi said...

I like the idea of memorizing. I love to have something memorized because then it does POP into my head.