
Saturday, December 25, 2010

In your face

  • Wish I could say "in your face" in some really cool sounding way, but at the same time I didn't really mean it like that.
  • Tonight, I looked in the mirror, I thought about all the things I usually notice-- my dark under eye circles, newly forming wrinkles, and blotchy acne-- and then I thought about something unusual for me. This scripture:
  • “Can ye look up to God … with a pure heart and clean hands … , having the image of God engraven upon your countenances?” (Alma 5:19).
  • I feel like a "silly woman" and like eating another slice of my familiar tasting humble pie. Do you think the image of God upon our countenances would be beautiful? Like a magazine cover?
  • Or maybe like something else... and then I thought of women I know who have the image of God in their countenances, and they are so beautiful, warm, and good to be around. So my Christmas question for myself is- what if I sought to think and do those things that would change my countenance, in the way I'd really most like it changed? How would I be different?