Sunday, July 25, 2010
Been thinking a lot about discipline, the right way to do it, and what that way is. Self-discipline can be easily set next to the word disciple and the idea of following the same moral code as the savior, thus becoming disciplined... but disciplining children?
Studying... Elder Christofferson... said our teaching (discipline) should draw on our own faith and focus first on instilling faith in God that we need to declare the essential need to keep the commandments, reverence and recognize God and His omniscence, and to persuade children that service and sacrifice are superior to one's own comfort and possessions. He also points out that the adversary and his followers are multimedia advocates of sin and selfishness. That means I can't be ho-hummish about it.
Thinking of words that might tie in with those ideas:
Following Jesus' example
Give instead of take
Do you understand?
Did you say your prayers?
This house is our temple.
Songs to memorize: Kindness begins with me, To think about Jesus, Jesus said love everyone, Go the second Mile 167, Sing your way home, Saturday 196, A happy helper, quickly I'll obey, When we're helping we're happing, All things brigh and beautiful 231, Give said the little stream.
Hmm.... not ready to apply yet. Any ideas?
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